EnozoPRO Documents
User manuals
Ditch the toxic chemicals for nature’s favorite sanitizer.
We’ve replicated natural ozone generation in the palm of your hand using only tap water and a solid diamond plate.
With ADEPT, water from the reservoir is sent into a chamber where it passes through a solid diamond plate and encounters a direct electrical current. Here a chemical reaction occurs that splits the strong bond that holds the two atoms of ordinary oxygen together and creates free oxygen atoms. These free atoms immediately seek to bond with oxygen molecules, which then forms ozone. The bottle then sprays the ozonated water through the nozzle.
No Toxic Chemicals
Leaves No Residue
Safe To Touch and Smell
Eliminates Odors
No Fragrances or Dyes
Commercial Sanitizing Power

Is Ozone Safe
Ozone has been used worldwide for over a century. For all its inherent power, it is perfectly safe when used in proper, low concentrations.
The aqueous ozone produced by Enozo is Green Seal® Certified, generally regarded as safe (GRAS) by the FDA and is part of the EPA Establishment.